Healthy Futures (for audience ages 55+)
Choose to make a difference. Put your lifelong passion for healthcare into action or promote wellness as your second act. The choice is yours. Through service with @AmeriCorpsSeniors you can empower older adults, young children, veterans, and your entire community to feel good and live well. #ChooseAmeriCorps:
🏷️ #AmeriCorpsWorks #NationalService #ChangeYourLife #GetThingsDone #ServeYourCommunity #MakeADifference #HealthyFutures #PublicHealth #AmeriCorpsSeniors #OlderAdults
Healthy Futures (for audience ages 55+)
Healthy Futures (for audience ages 55+)
Choose to make a difference. Put your lifelong passion for healthcare into action or promote wellness as your second act. The choice is yours. Through service with @AmeriCorpsSeniors you can empower older adults, young children, veterans, and your entire community to feel good and live well. #ChooseAmeriCorps: 🏷️ #AmeriCorpsWorks #NationalService #ChangeYourLife #GetThingsDone #ServeYourCommunity #MakeADifference #HealthyFutures #PublicHealth #AmeriCorpsSeniors #OlderAdults