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We are champions of the National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS), a diverse coalition that connects nonprofits, school districts, state and local education agencies, federal agencies, philanthropy, and national and community organizations to support increased access to and implementation of student support programs, provides technical assistance and research to enhance program effectiveness, and helps to recruit AmeriCorps members and volunteers to the effort. All students deserve the opportunities and support they need to succeed. Despite the heroic efforts of schools, educators, and families, the pandemic exacerbated educational and mental health challenges and widened long-standing inequities and opportunity gaps. To address these challenges, the President has called for Americans to become tutors, mentors, success coaches, post-secondary transition coaches, and wraparound/integrated support providers. In pursuit of this goal, the NPSS focuses on these five key, evidence-based areas to support the needs of students both in and out of school. Read more about our work and how you can get involved by clicking here: partnershipstudentsuccess.org
