ACC - Apply Today!
The American Connection Corps is the nation’s premier AmeriCorps service experience, advancing economic prosperity in rural and emerging communities.
We're proud to be a 2024 ACC Host site and are looking for applicants to help us bridge the digital divide!
ACC leads shoulder-to-shoulder with our neighbors to realize the worth of every place, person, and possibility.
Apply today to make your mark and help close the digital divide across America.
#AmericanConnectionCorps #ACC #BridgeTheDigitalDivide #ACC2024
ACC - Apply Today!
ACC - Apply Today!
The American Connection Corps is the nation’s premier AmeriCorps service experience, advancing economic prosperity in rural and emerging communities. We're proud to be a 2024 ACC Host site and are looking for applicants to help us bridge the digital divide! ACC leads shoulder-to-shoulder with our neighbors to realize the worth of every place, person, and possibility. Apply today to make your mark and help close the digital divide across America. #AmericanConnectionCorps #ACC #BridgeTheDigitalDivide #ACC2024