QWildlife Marine Strandings Facebook post #1

QWildlife Marine Strandings Facebook post #1

The QWildlife app now has a new 'Marine Strandings' function!🐢 📱 Previously, you could only report sightings of crocodiles and koalas but with the increased number of marine mammals and turtles found in recent years, the 'Marine Strandings' function has been added. How does it work? 🐋 Submit your sighting on the QWildlife app via the 'Marine Strandings' option. 🐋 Include details such as time, date, location and behaviour of the animal. 🐋 Attach supporting pics (optional). 🐋 A trained strandings responder in your region will receive the details of your sighting and determine a response action. 🐋 Sightings can even be recorded if you're offline. Just submit your sighting and then launch the application the next time you have internet connection. You can also explore an interactive map of recent sightings, learn about Queensland's native wildlife, how to stay safe while exploring their ecosystems and still report sightings of crocodiles and koalas 🐊🐨! Every reported sighting provides important data that contributes to how we improve conservation efforts. Through the simple act of reporting sightings of crocodiles, koalas and marine strandings, you can make a huge difference to the conservation of our precious wildlife and ecosystem. 💚 #QueenlandEnvironment
