Intro to Centering Equity in PLCs

Intro to Centering Equity in PLCs

Download the Centering #Equity in Professional Learning Communities guide, part of the @NAESP #LeadingLessons series! 🌍Use it with your leadership team This new guide features insights from experts like @GoodenPhd, @nnspireesqleadr, and @kaylentucker. You’ll get: ✅ Culturally responsive leadership strategies ✅ Tools to assess and enhance equity in schools ✅ A worksheet to craft your perfect equity vision statement This guide is your roadmap to fostering inclusion and empowering every voice in your school community. Start building a brighter, more equitable future here: #belonging #inclusion #educationalequity #equityjourney #edleaders #equitycenteredschools @WallaceFdn