Educate Everyone

Educate Everyone

Educate Everyone: Safe Sleep for Babies Safe sleep is a shared responsibility. It's about parents, grandparents, caregivers, babysitters, and anyone who cares for your baby who should be well-versed in safe sleep practices. Let's spread awareness about the ABCDE's of safe sleep: Alone: Baby should sleep alone in a crib, bassinet, or portable crib. Back: Baby should always be placed on their back to sleep. Crib: Baby should sleep in a safety-approved crib, free from soft bedding. Don't smoke: Avoid smoking or using nicotine around the baby. Educate Everyone: Everyone who cares for the baby should know and follow safe sleep guidelines. By working together, we can create a safer sleep environment for all babies. Let's share this information with our communities and help protect the little ones in our lives. #safesleep #babysafety #childcare #parenting #grandparents #caretakers #babysitters #publichealth #healthcare #pediatrics