Programming Feature

Programming Feature

A #CampKesem highlight, "Cabin Chats" are an opportunity for campers to gather at the end of each day to listen, speak, and share with trusted friends - everything from their favorite camp song to their experiences at home. This time together gives campers further freedom to express themselves with openness and confidence in a welcoming environment and to form lasting connections with friends that understand them at a time when they need them most. We believe all children facing a parent's cancer deserve the chance to fully experience the joys of childhood and be their best selves. Your support helps us ensure that [camper recruitment goal] kids get to join us at camp for Cabin Chats next summer - to make friends, form lasting connections, and find the support they need - at no cost to their families. Can we count you in? Join us in-motion for kids impacted by a parent's cancer: [insert chapter fundraising link].