"I actually think I’ll give birth in my car." This is the reality of being pregnant in rural U.S.

"I actually think I’ll give birth in my car." This is the reality of being pregnant in rural U.S.

Where you live impacts your ability to have a healthy pregnancy and birth. New data from March of Dimes shows that for millions of women in the United States, like Claudia, it is more difficult to access #maternity care. Claudia is pregnant in a maternity care desert, these are areas where there’s limited or no access to birthing hospitals, birth centers offering obstetric care, or obstetric providers. Without any nearby options, Claudia expects that she may give birth in her car for the second time 1 in 10 babies in the U.S. is delivered in rural community hospitals, yet nearly half do not offer obstetric service. Take action by learning about maternity care deserts in your state: https://www.marchofdimes.org/mcdr
