DXtera: Next
Generation Integration Scorecard
Organizations are demanding better integretability (ability to plug-in easily) of applications and systems to enable choice in the market. The Next Generation Integration Scorecard (NGIS) is an instrument intended to help consumers of enterprise systems and software to measure the readiness of candidate products to support the vision of next-generation environments. Leaders of the NGBD effort will highlight the NGIS and the impact on the education market, and seek input from participants. #SXSWEDU https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/104311
DXtera: Next Generation Integration Scorecard
DXtera: Next Generation Integration Scorecard
Organizations are demanding better integretability (ability to plug-in easily) of applications and systems to enable choice in the market. The Next Generation Integration Scorecard (NGIS) is an instrument intended to help consumers of enterprise systems and software to measure the readiness of candidate products to support the vision of next-generation environments. Leaders of the NGBD effort will highlight the NGIS and the impact on the education market, and seek input from participants. #SXSWEDU https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/104311