EMSI: The New Geography of Skills
While many geographic regions are experiencing job growth in common industries, the skills needed to fill those jobs are not necessarily the same. This session takes a look at which skills are in highest demand within different regions of the U.S. and discusses how employers and higher ed can work together to build their local talent pipelines. #SXSWEDU https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/103323
EMSI: The New Geography of Skills
EMSI: The New Geography of Skills
While many geographic regions are experiencing job growth in common industries, the skills needed to fill those jobs are not necessarily the same. This session takes a look at which skills are in highest demand within different regions of the U.S. and discusses how employers and higher ed can work together to build their local talent pipelines. #SXSWEDU https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/103323