3 in 4 Family Caregivers
According to AARP, 3 in 4 family #caregivers are incurring increasing out-of-pocket costs as a result of #caregiving.
In addition to these expenses, many caregivers have to take time off from their jobs, reduce hours at work or quit altogether in order to accommodate their growing caregiving responsibilities.
With your help, HFC can give time back to #Alzheimers family caregivers, provide them with in-home care relief, and reduce some of their caregiving costs. Make your impact today here: smarturl.it/lfaeoyfb
3 in 4 Family Caregivers
3 in 4 Family Caregivers
According to AARP, 3 in 4 family #caregivers are incurring increasing out-of-pocket costs as a result of #caregiving. In addition to these expenses, many caregivers have to take time off from their jobs, reduce hours at work or quit altogether in order to accommodate their growing caregiving responsibilities. With your help, HFC can give time back to #Alzheimers family caregivers, provide them with in-home care relief, and reduce some of their caregiving costs. Make your impact today here: smarturl.it/lfaeoyfb