Call LA City Council!
We're one of over 130 organizations across L.A. calling on City Council to VOTE YES on the Tourism Workers Rising policy when it comes to a vote.
LA's tourism industry is highly profitable and its workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Our elected leaders have the opportunity before them to ensure working families are healthy and housed! That's why we're calling on them to pass an Olympic Wage!
Call your council member today! 📞
CD1 @cd1losangeles CD2 @PaulKrekorian CD3 @BobBlumenfield CD4 @cd4losangeles CD5 @CD5LosAngeles CD6 @CD6LosAngeles CD7 @MRodCD7 CD8 @mhdcd8 CD9 @CurrenDPriceJr CD10 @CW_HeatherHutt CD11 @TraciParkforLA CD12 @CD12LA CD13 @CD13LosAngeles CD14 @Kdeleoncd14 CD15 @TimMcOskerLA
Call LA City Council!
Call LA City Council!
We're one of over 130 organizations across L.A. calling on City Council to VOTE YES on the Tourism Workers Rising policy when it comes to a vote. LA's tourism industry is highly profitable and its workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Our elected leaders have the opportunity before them to ensure working families are healthy and housed! That's why we're calling on them to pass an Olympic Wage! Call your council member today! 📞 CD1 @cd1losangeles CD2 @PaulKrekorian CD3 @BobBlumenfield CD4 @cd4losangeles CD5 @CD5LosAngeles CD6 @CD6LosAngeles CD7 @MRodCD7 CD8 @mhdcd8 CD9 @CurrenDPriceJr CD10 @CW_HeatherHutt CD11 @TraciParkforLA CD12 @CD12LA CD13 @CD13LosAngeles CD14 @Kdeleoncd14 CD15 @TimMcOskerLA