Resource for Improving Relationships Between Providers and People Living with Sickle Cell Disease

Resource for Improving Relationships Between Providers and People Living with Sickle Cell Disease

Too often, people living with #SickleCellDisease and their families and caregivers miss critical healthcare appointments, and this can happen for a variety of reasons. While the relationship between patients or caregivers and their providers is not the main problem, improving that partnership is a big part of the solution. Community-based organizations play an important role in the lives of those living with SCD, and CBOs often have a positive influence on the patient/provider relationship. Register today for the @NICHQ- National Institute for Children's Health Quality’s upcoming webinar to learn how providers and SCD CBOs can work together to address appointment challenges for people living with SCD: Using NICHQ's helpful new discussion guides, providers, families, and advocates can continue these important conversations and work with patients to find solutions to missed #SCD appointments. Download the guides here: