With continued inclement weather expected through March 2023 in much of California, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is working with local government partners to coordinate any necessary response and provide resources to ensure that residents stay safe. Help us to spread the word by using this social media toolkit and the resources below to continue to remind people to be safe in the rain, snow, freezing temperatures, and gusty winds.
Make a plan now to keep yourself and your neighbors safe.
Please be sure to scroll to the bottom of this social media toolkit for additional tools, formats, and resources, including alt text for all graphics.
Be prepared, not scared!
During this storm, CA may experience:
*Winds that create multi-day power outages
*Excessive rains & snowmelt could cause flooding
*Mudslides as a result of burn areas & oversaturated ground.
*Additional snow at higher elevations
Follow @Cal_OES for more
Never drive into flooded areas! Just 12 inches of water will float many vehicles.
If you have to drive, download the @CaltransHQ QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute road information on traffic, closures and more.
Limit travel during & after a winter storm. Keep your vehicle charged or gas tank full in case of evacuations or unexpected detours.
Tip: If the temperature is near freezing, roads that just look wet may be icy and dangerous.
Sign up for alerts: CalAlerts.org #ListosCA
Prepare for when you can’t leave home during a disaster.
Keep listening to your radio, television, or phone for updates. Do not leave your home or where you are staying unless authorities tell you it is safe to do so.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
Plan ahead, CA!
Prepare for any medical needs that rely on power and have enough water and food that doesn’t need refrigeration for every member of your household for at least three days.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips & follow @Cal_OES for important updates
You can make better decisions about how to stay safe during severe storms and flooding if you stay informed.
Use official TV, radio, and county emergency services channels to get the information you need to be safe.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
You can make better decisions about how to stay safe during severe storms and flooding if you stay informed.
Use official TV, radio, and county emergency services channels to get the information you need to be safe.
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org. #ListosCA
Several powerful storms are currently making landfall in California.
If a power line falls on your vehicle, call 911 and stay inside until trained personnel can remove it.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for more tips and follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
Stay safe, California!
🚫Do not walk through moving water.
As little as six inches of water can make you fall. Often you can’t tell how deep it is or what the water is hiding.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates before, during, and after the storms. #ListosCA
Be ready to evacuate all people and animals to higher ground if ordered.
Local government and other local news are resources for up to date information about conditions in your area. Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org.
Never drive into flooded areas! Just 12 inches of water will float many vehicles.
If you have to drive, download the @CaltransHQ QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute road information on traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
Be prepared, not scared!
During this next storm, California may experience:
🔦 Gusty winds that create multi-day power outages
🌧️ Excessive rains, and snowmelt that may cause flooding
🔥 Mudslides as a result of wildfire ravaged areas and oversaturated ground
❄️ Additional snow at higher elevations
It is important to stay aware of the conditions around you and be prepared to keep your family and loved ones safe.
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org and follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
You can make better decisions about how to stay safe during severe storms and flooding if you stay informed.
Use official TV, radio, and county emergency services channels to get the information you need to be safe.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
Limit travel during and after a winter storm. Keep your vehicle charged or gas tank full in case of evacuations, unexpected detours, or power outages.
Tip: If the temperature is near freezing, roads that just look wet may be icy and dangerous.
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org and follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
Prepare for when you can’t leave home during a disaster.
Keep listening to your radio, television, or phone for updates. Do not leave your home or where you are staying unless authorities tell you it is safe to do so. If they tell you to evacuate the area, follow their instructions.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
Plan ahead, California!
Prepare for any medical needs that rely on power and have enough water and food that doesn’t need refrigeration for every member of your household for at least three days.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips & follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
You can make better decisions about how to stay safe during severe storms and flooding if you stay informed.
Use official TV, radio, and county emergency services channels to get the information you need to be safe.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates and sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org. #ListosCA
Several powerful storms are currently making landfall in California.
If a power line falls on your vehicle, call 911 and stay inside until trained personnel can remove it.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for more tips and follow @Cal_OES for important updates. #ListosCA
Stay safe, California!
🚫Do not walk through moving water.
As little as six inches of water can make you fall. Often you can’t tell how deep it is or what the water is hiding.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates before, during, and after the storms. #ListosCA
Be ready to evacuate all people and animals to higher ground if ordered.
Local government and other local news are resources for up-to-date information about conditions in your area. Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org.
Use canales oficiales de televisión, la radio y los canales de servicios de emergencia de su condado para obtener la información que necesita para estar seguro.
Siga a @Cal_OES para obtener actualizaciones importantes.
Durante esta próxima tormenta, CA puede experimentar:
- Vientos extremos que crean cortes de energía
- Lluvias excesivas y deshielo que pueden causar inundaciones
- Deslizamientos de lodo, y nieve adicional en elevaciones altas
Siga @Cal_OES para actualizaciones.
Siga escuchando su radio, televisión o teléfono para obtener actualizaciones. No salga de su casa o de donde se hospeda a menos que las autoridades le indiquen que es seguro hacerlo. Si le dicen que evacúe el área, siga sus instrucciones.
Siga @Cal_OES para actualizaciones.
¡Planifica con anticipación, CA!
Prepárese para cualquier necesidad médica que dependa de la energía y tenga suficiente agua y alimentos que no necesiten refrigeración para todos los miembros de su hogar durante al menos tres días.
Siga a @Cal_OES para obtener actualizaciones.
¡Nunca conduzca en áreas inundadas! Tan solo 12 pulgadas de agua harán que muchos coches floten.
Si tiene que conducir, descargue la aplicación @CaltransHQ QuickMap o visite QuickMap.dot.ca.gov para obtener información actualizada sobre tráfico, cierres y más.
Puede tomar mejores decisiones sobre cómo mantenerse seguro durante tormentas severas e inundaciones si se mantiene informado.
Use canales oficiales de televisión, la radio y los canales de servicios de emergencia de su condado para obtener la información que necesita para estar seguro.
Visite listoscalifornia.org para obtener consejos de seguridad y siga a @Cal_OES para obtener actualizaciones importantes.
¡Prepárese, no se asuste!
Durante esta próxima tormenta, California puede experimentar:
Ráfagas de viento que crean cortes de energía de varios días
Lluvias excesivas y deshielo que pueden causar inundaciones
Deslizamientos de lodo como resultado de áreas devastadas por incendios forestales y suelo sobresaturado
Nieve adicional en elevaciones más altas
Es importante estar al tanto de las condiciones a su alrededor y estar preparado para mantener seguros a su familia y seres queridos.
Regístrese para recibir alertas en CalAlerts.org y siga a @Cal_OES para recibir actualizaciones importantes.
Prepárese para cuando no pueda salir de casa durante un desastre.
Siga escuchando su radio, televisión o teléfono para obtener actualizaciones. No salga de su casa o de donde se hospeda a menos que las autoridades le indiquen que es seguro hacerlo. Si le dicen que evacúe el área, siga sus instrucciones.
Visite listoscalifornia.org para obtener consejos de seguridad y siga @Cal_OES para actualizaciones importantes
¡Nunca conduzca en áreas inundadas! Tan solo 12 pulgadas de agua harán que muchos coches floten.
Si tiene que conducir, descargue la aplicación @CaltransHQ QuickMap o visite QuickMap.dot.ca.gov para obtener información actualizada sobre tráfico, cierres y más.
¡Planifica con anticipación, California!
Prepárese para cualquier necesidad médica que dependa de la energía y tenga suficiente agua y alimentos que no necesiten refrigeración para todos los miembros de su hogar durante al menos tres días.
Visite listoscalifornia.org para obtener consejos de seguridad y siga a @Cal_OES para obtener actualizaciones importantes.
Severe weather is returning to CA this week.
🌨️Stay alert, stay informed, and stay prepared!
As March storms are impacting communities and neighborhoods across California, it's important to take care of ourselves and each other.
Follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
Preparing is caring!
Outdoor advocate Sally Garcia from Los Angeles shares a few safety and preparedness tips we can all follow during these storms. Visit listoscalifornia.org for more tips and follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
It is important to stay aware of conditions around you and be prepared to keep your family and loved ones safe.
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org and follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
Do you know where your flashlight is? Are your phones charged? Extreme weather is impacting communities across California, and we want you to be ready.
Follow @Cal_OES for the latest information, and remember to sign up to CalAlerts.org for local alerts.
⚠️ Limit travel during and after extreme weather!
If you must drive, download the QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute information on road conditions, traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
Additional storms are expected over the next week which may melt snow and add to already dangerous conditions.
Stay alert and listen for any sounds that might mean a mudslide is coming, such as trees cracking or big rocks knocking together. A low rumble may become a roar as a mudslide gets closer.
Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and follow @cal_oes for important updates.
Como californianos, estar preparados forma parte de nuestra cultura.
Como californianos, estar preparados forma parte de nuestra cultura. Yosimar Reyes de East San Jose explica las diferencias importantes entre una advertencia de evacuación y una orden de evacuación.
Regístrese para recibir alertas oficiales en CalAlerts.org y siga a California Governor's Office of Emergency Services para recibir actualizaciones importantes.
Never drive into flooded areas. In a disaster, the road to safety may not be your usual route. Disasters may close roads and bus routes you usually take. Check your local weather forecasts and sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org
It is important to stay aware of the conditions around you and be prepared to keep your family and loved ones safe.
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org and follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
Do you know where your flashlight is? Are your phones charged? Extreme weather is impacting communities across California, and we want you to be ready.
Follow @Cal_OES for the latest information, and remember to sign up to CalAlerts.org for local alerts.
⚠️ Limit travel during and after extreme weather!
If you must drive, download the QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute information on road conditions, traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
⚠️ Limit travel during and after extreme weather!
If you must drive, download the QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute information on road conditions, traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
If you have to drive, download the @CaltransHQ QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute road information on traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
Pay attention to road closures and never drive through flood waters! #ListosCalifornia
Do you know where your flashlight is? Are your phones charged? Extreme weather is impacting communities across California, and we want you to be ready.
Follow @Cal_OES for the latest information, and remember to sign up to CalAlerts.org for local alerts.
As extreme weather hits California, remember that small steps make a big difference!
Check in on your neighbors & help them prepare for power outages, extreme cold, and snow. Talk with your neighbors about their
needs, and yours.
Find ways to prepare at listoscalifornia.org
With extreme weather expected to continue, it’s important to stay informed and aware. Pay attention to weather forecasts and listen to local authorities.
Sign up to get your county alerts. Go to CalAlerts.org.
Stay alert, stay informed, & stay prepared!
As rain, cold temperatures, and winds impact communities and neighborhoods across California, it's important to take care of ourselves & each other. Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips & follow @Cal_OES for important updates.
In some disasters, you may be safer staying at home!
You might not have water or electricity, so it makes sense to have a Stay Box with extra water, food you could eat if there was no power, and other items that you use every day.
Follow @Cal_OES and @ListosCA for more tips.
Extreme weather is returning to CA this week. 🌨️
Locate your flashlights, charge your devices, and remember to only use generators outside.
Stay informed by signing up for emergency alerts including warnings and evacuation notices at CalAlerts.org
Fact: Portable backup generators produce the poisonous gas carbon monoxide.
🚫 Never use a generator inside your home or garage, even if doors and windows are open.
✅ Only use generators outside, more than 20ft away from your home, doors & windows.
Visit listoscalifornia.org
Rains can bring floods, mudslides, and debris flow. Be aware, be prepared, and take action if you need to.
Learn more about how to stay ready at listoscalifornia.org
Making an emergency plan can help protect you, your loved ones, and your belongings when disasters like flooding or mudslides strike.
Follow @Cal_OES and visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and disaster preparedness resources
Keep an emergency supply kit in your car with these extras:
🚗 Jumper cables
⚠️ Flares or reflective triangles
❄️ Ice scraper
🔌 Car cell phone charger
🧤 Blankets, towels, & extra clothing
🥨 Water & snacks
🔦 Flashlight & extra batteries
Sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org
Never drive into flooded areas. In a disaster, the road to safety may not be your usual route. Disasters may close roads and bus routes you usually take. Check your local weather forecasts and sign up for alerts at CalAlerts.org
⚠️ Limit travel during and after extreme weather!
If you must drive, download the QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute information on road conditions, traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
Do you know where your flashlight is? Are your phones charged? Extreme weather is impacting communities across California, and we want you to be ready.
Follow @Cal_OES for the latest information, and remember to sign up to CalAlerts.org for local alerts.
If you have to drive, download the @CaltransHQ QuickMap app or visit QuickMap.dot.ca.gov to learn up-to-the-minute road information on traffic, closures, chain control, and more.
Pay attention to road closures and never drive through flood waters! #ListosCalifornia
As extreme weather hits California, remember that small steps make a big difference!
Check in on your neighbors and help them prepare for potential power outages, extreme cold, and snow. Talk with your neighbors about their needs and yours.
Find more ways to prepare at listoscalifornia.org
With extreme weather expected to continue, it’s important to stay informed and aware. Pay attention to weather forecasts and listen to local authorities.
Sign up to get your county alerts. Go to CalAlerts.org.
In some disasters, you may be safer staying at home!
You might not have water or electricity, so it makes sense to have a Stay Box with extra water, food you could eat if there was no power, and other items that you use every day.
Follow @Cal_OES and @ListosCA for more tips.
Stay alert, stay informed, and stay prepared!
As rain, snow, cold temperatures, and winds impact communities and neighborhoods across California, it's important to take care of ourselves and each other. Visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and follow @cal_oes for important updates.
Fact: Portable backup generators produce the poisonous gas carbon monoxide.
🚫 Never use a generator inside your home or garage, even if doors and windows are open.
✅ Only use generators outside, more than 20ft away from your home, doors & windows.
Visit listoscalifornia.org
Making an emergency plan can help protect you, your loved ones, and your belongings when disasters like flooding or mudslides strike.
Follow @Cal_OES and visit listoscalifornia.org for safety tips and disaster preparedness resources
Extreme weather is returning to CA this week. 🌨️
Stay prepared in case of power outages by locating your flashlights, charging your devices, and remembering to only use generators outside, more than 20 feet away from your home, doors, and windows.
Stay informed by signing up for emergency alerts including warnings and evacuation notices at CalAlerts.org
Rains can bring floods, mudslides, and debris flow. Be aware, be prepared, and take action if you need to.
Learn more about how to stay ready at listoscalifornia.org
Si tiene que manejar, descargue la aplicación @CaltransHQ QuickMap o visite QuickMap.dot.ca.gov para obtener información actualizada sobre tráfico, cierres, control de cadenas y más.
¡Preste atención a los cierres de carreteras y nunca maneje a través de aguas de inundación!
El clima invernal llega a CA ¡recuerde que los pequeños pasos hacen una gran diferencia!
Asegúrese de que sus vecinos estén bien y ayúdalos a prepararse para cortes de energía, frío extremo y nieve. Hable con sus vecinos sobre sus necesidades y las suyas. listoscalifornia.org
El clima invernal regresa a CA esta semana. 🌨️
Localice sus linternas, cargue sus dispositivos y recuerde solo usar generadores afuera.
Manténgase informado al registrarse para las alertas de emergencia que incluyen advertencias y avisos de evacuación en Calalerts.org
Las lluvias pueden traer inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra y flujo de escombros. Sea consciente, esté preparado y tome medidas si es necesario.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo mantenerse listo en listoscalifornia.org
¡Manténgase alerta, manténgase informado y mantente preparado!
A medida que la lluvia, las temperaturas frías y los vientos impactan a las comunidades y vecindarios en CA, es importante cuidarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás.
Visite listoscalifornia.org y siga @cal_oes.
⚠️ ¡Limite los viajes durante y después de una tormenta de invierno!
Si debe conducir, descargue la aplicación QuickMap o visite QuickMap (ca.gov) para obtener información actualizada sobre las condiciones de las carreteras, cierres, control de cadenas y más.
Los generadores de respaldo portátiles producen monóxido de carbono, un gas venenoso.
🚫Nunca use un generador dentro de su casa o garaje, incluso si las puertas y ventanas están abiertas.
✅Solo use generadores afuera, a más de 20 pies de distancia de su hogar, puertas y ventanas.
Mantenga un kit de suministros de emergencia en su automóvil con estos extras:
🚗 Cables puente
⚠️ Triángulos reflectantes
❄️ Raspador de hielo
🔌 Cargador de celular
🧤 Toallas y ropa
🥨 Agua y snacks
🔦 Linterna y baterías
Regístrese para recibir alertas en CalAlerts.org
Si tiene que manejar, descargue la aplicación @CaltransHQ QuickMap o visite QuickMap.dot.ca.gov para obtener información vial actualizada sobre tráfico, cierres, control de cadenas y más.
¡Preste atención a los cierres de carreteras y nunca conduzca a través de aguas de inundación! #ListosCalifornia
El clima invernal llega a California, ¡recuerde que los pequeños pasos hacen una gran diferencia!
Asegúrese de que sus vecinos estén bien y ayúdalos a prepararse para cortes de energía, frío extremo y nieve. Hable con sus vecinos sobre sus necesidades y las suyas.
Encuentre más formas de prepararse en listoscalifornia.org
El clima invernal regresa a CA esta semana. 🌨️
Manténgase preparado en caso de cortes de energía ubicando sus linternas, cargando sus dispositivos y recuerde usar solo generadores afuera, a más de 20 pies de distancia de su hogar, puertas y ventanas.
Manténgase informado registrándose para recibir alertas de emergencia, advertencias y avisos de evacuación en CalAlerts.org
⚠️ ¡Limite los viajes durante y después de una tormenta de invierno!
Si debe conducir, descargue la aplicación QuickMap o visite QuickMap (ca.gov) para obtener información actualizada sobre las condiciones de las carreteras, el tráfico, los cierres, el control de cadenas y más.
¡Manténgase alerta, informado y preparado!
A medida que la lluvia, las bajas temperaturas y los vientos afectan a las comunidades y vecindarios de California, es importante cuidarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Visite listoscalifornia.org para obtener consejos de seguridad y siga a @cal_oes para obtener actualizaciones importantes.
Las lluvias pueden traer inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra y flujo de escombros. Sea consciente, esté preparado y tome medidas si es necesario.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo mantenerse listo en listoscalifornia.org
Hecho: Los generadores de respaldo portátiles producen monóxido de carbono, un gas venenoso.
🚫Nunca use un generador dentro de su casa o garaje, incluso si las puertas y ventanas están abiertas.
✅Solo use generadores afuera, a más de 20 pies de distancia de su hogar, puertas y ventanas.
切勿開車進入淹水區!只需 12 英寸深的水就
如果您必須開車,請下載 @CaltransHQ
QuickMap 應用程式或造訪
QuickMap.dot.ca.gov,以瞭解最新的交通 、封閉、防滑鏈管控等道路資訊。
如果您瞭解最新資訊,您就能更好地做出如 何在嚴重風暴和洪水中保持安全的決定。
使用官方電視、廣播和縣緊急服務頻道來獲 取保護自己所需的資訊。
請造訪 listoscalifornia.org 以獲取安全提示,並關注 @Cal_OES 以獲取最新重要資訊。
在冬季暴風雪期間和之後限制出行。保持車 輛滿電或加滿油箱,以備應對疏 散、意外繞 路或停電情況。
提示:如果氣溫接近冰點,看似僅僅淋溼的 道路可能會結冰並變得危險。
在 CalAlerts.org 註冊以獲得警報,並關注 @Cal_OES 以獲取最新重要資訊。
切勿開車進入淹水區!只需 12 英寸深的水就
如果您必須開車,請下載 @CaltransHQ
QuickMap 應用程式或造訪
QuickMap.dot.ca.gov,以瞭解最新的交通 、封閉、防滑鏈管控等道路資訊。
如果您瞭解最新資訊,您就能更好地做出如 何在嚴重風暴和洪水中保持安全的決定。
使用官方電視、廣播和縣緊急服務頻道來獲 取保護自己所需的資訊。
請造訪 listoscalifornia.org 以獲取安全提示,並關注 @Cal_OES 以獲取最新重要資訊。
Yog tias koj yuav tsum tau tsav tsheb, ces rub lub app @CaltransHQ QuickMap los sis mus saib QuickMap.dot.ca.gov txhawm rau kawm paub txog cov ntaub ntawv tshiab txog kev tsheb hais txog kevkhiav tsheb mus los, kev kaw, kev khi xaub rau log tsheb, thiab lwm yam ntxiv.
Siv tshooj TV uas raug raws cai, xov tooj cua, thiab khauj tim cov kev pab cuam xwm txheej ceev kom tau txais ntaub ntawv kev paub raws li koj xav tau kom muaj kev nyab xeeb.
Qab saib @Cal_OES rau cov kev hloov kho dua tshiab uas tseem ceeb.
Yog tias qhov txias ze rau qhov yuav
ua dej khov lawm, tej zaum cov kev tsheb uas pom zoo li ntub dej yuav yog dej khov thiab muaj kev phom sij.
Rau npe kom tau txais cov kev teeb toom ntawm CalAlerts.org thiab raws qab saib @Cal_OES.
Tsis txhob tsav tsheb mus rau hauv
cheeb tsam muaj dej nyab! Tsuas yog dej nyab li 12 inche xwb yuav ua rau ntau lub tsheb ntab taus.
Yog tias koj yuav tsum tau tsav tsheb, ces rub lub app @CaltransHQ QuickMap los sis mus saib QuickMap.dot.ca.gov txhawm rau kawm paub txog cov ntaub ntawv tshiab txog kev tsheb hais txog kevkhiav tsheb mus los, kev kaw, kev khi xaub rau log tsheb, thiab lwm yam ntxiv.
Koj tuaj yeem ua tau cov kev txiav txim uas zoo zog hais txog txoj hauv kev nyob kom muaj kev nyab xeeb ncua sij hawm muaj cua daj cua dub loj thiab dej nyab yog tias koj taug qab saib xov xwm.
Siv tshooj TV uas raug raws cai, xov tooj cua, thiab khauj tim cov kev pab cuam xwm txheej ceev kom tau txais ntaub ntawv kev paub raws li koj xav tau kom muaj kev nyab xeeb.
Mus saib listoscalifornia.org rau cov lus qhia txog kev nyab xeeb thiab raws qab saib @Cal_OES rau cov kev hloov kho dua tshiab uas tseem ceeb.
침수된 지역으로 운전하지 마세요! 물 깊이가
12인치 이상이면 많은 차량이 물에 뜹니다.
바리케이드 주변에서
운전하지 마세요.
지역 대응자들은 이를
사용하여 침수
지역에서 차량을
안전하게 안내합니다.
새로운 폭풍이 더 많은
비를 몰고 오므로 강풍과
정전에 대비하세요.
운전을 해야 한다면 @CaltransHQ
QuickMap 앱을 다운로드하거나
QuickMap.dot.ca.gov을 방문하여 트래픽,
폐쇄, 체인 제어 및 기타 도로 정보의 최신 사
항을 확인하세요.
정보를 수신하면 심한 폭풍과 홍수 중에
안 전을 유지하는 방법에 대한 더 나은
결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.
안전에 필요한 정보를 얻으려면 공식 TV, 라
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겨울 폭풍 도중과 이후에 여행을 제한하
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팁: 기온이 0도에 가까울 정도로 춥다면
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12인치 이상이면 많은 차량이 물에 뜹니다.
바리케이드 주변에서
운전하지 마세요.
지역 대응자들은 이를
사용하여 침수
지역에서 차량을
안전하게 안내합니다.
새로운 폭풍이 더 많은
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운전을 해야 한다면 @CaltransHQ
QuickMap 앱을 다운로드하거나
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항을 확인하세요.
정보를 수신하면 심한 폭풍과 홍수 중에
안 전을 유지하는 방법에 대한 더 나은
결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.
안전에 필요한 정보를 얻으려면 공식 TV, 라
디오 및 카운티 비상 서비스 채널을 사용하세
안전 팁을 확인하려면 listoscalifornia.org를 방문하시고 중요한 최신 사항을 확인하려면 @Cal_OES를 팔로우하세요.
ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਗੱਡੀ ਚਲਾਉਣੀ ਪਵੇ, @CaltransHQ
ਟ੍ਰੈਫਿਕ, ਬੰਦ, ਚੇਨ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ, ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਕੁਝ ਲਈ QuickMap ਐਪ ਜਾਂ ਐਪ ਨੂੰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ -
ਵਡ-ਵੰਤ੍ਰਿਕ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ
QuickMap.dot.ca.gov 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ।
ਆਪਣੇ ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਜਵਾਬ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਂਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਤ ਟੀਵੀ, ਰੇਡੀਓ, ਅਤੇ ਕਾਉਂਟੀ ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਚੈਨਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰੋ। ਸੰਕਟਕਾਲੀਨ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ ਸੁਝਾਵਾਂ ਲਈ listoscalifornia.org 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਸਿਰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ @Cal_OES ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰੋ।
ਜੇ ਤਾਪਮਾਨ ਠੰਢਾ ਹੋਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਦਰਾੜਾਂ ਜੋ ਗਿੱਲੀਆਂ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ, ਭੁਰਭੁਰਾ ਅਤੇ ਖ਼ਤਰਨਾਕ ਹੁੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ। CalAlerts.org 'ਤੇ ਅਲਰਟ ਲਈ ਸਾਈਨ ਅੱਪ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਗਰਮ ਮੌਸਮ ਦੇ ਅਪਡੇਟਸ ਲਈ @Cal_OES ਦਾ ਅਨੁਸਰਣ ਕਰੋ।
ਕਦੇ ਵੀ ਹੜ੍ਹ ਵਾਲੇ ਖੇਤਰਾਂ ਵਵਿੱਚ ਗਿੱਡੀ ਨਾ ਚਲਾਓ! ਵਿਰਫ਼
12 ਇੰਚ ਪਾਣੀ ਕਈ ਵਾਹਨਾਂ ਨ ੰ ਰੋੜ੍ਹ ਦੇਵੇਗਾ।
ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਿੀਂ ਗਿੱਡੀ ਚਲਾਉਣੀ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ @CaltransHQ
QuickMap ਐਪ ਨ ੰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ ਜਾਂ ਟ੍ਰੈਵਿਕ, ਬੰਦ ਹੋਣ, ਚੇਨ ਕੰਟ੍ਰੋਲ, ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਕੁਝ ਬਾਰੇ ਅਿੱਪ-ਟ੍ -
ਵਦ-ਵ ੰਟ੍ ਿੜ੍ਕ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਜਾਣਨ ਲਈ
QuickMap.dot.ca.gov 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ।
ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਿੀਂ ਿ ਵਚਤ ਰਵਹੰਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਿੀਂ ਗੰਭੀਰ ਤ ਿਾਨਾਂ
ਅਤੇ ਹੜ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਿੁਰਿੱਵਖਅਤ ਵਕਵੇਂ ਰਵਹਣਾ ਹੈ, ਇਿ ਬਾਰੇ ਵਬਹਤਰ ਿੈਿਲੇ ਲੈ ਿਕਦੇ ਹੋ।
ਤੁਹਾਨ ੰ ਿੁਰਿੱਵਖਅਤ ਰਵਹਣ ਲਈ ਲੋੜ੍ੀਂਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਪਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਅਵਿਕਾਰਤ ਟ੍ੀਵੀ, ਰੇਡੀਓ, ਅਤੇ ਕਾਉਂਟ੍ੀ ਐ ਰਜੈਂਿੀ ਿੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਦੇ ਚੈਨਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰੋ।ਿੁ ਰਿੱਵਖਆ ਿੁਝਾਵਾਂ ਲਈ listoscalifornia.org 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਹਿੱਤਵਪ ਰਨ ਅਿੱਪਡੇਟ੍ ਲਈ @Cal_OES ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰੋ।
Kung kailangan mong magmaneho, i-
download ang @CaltransHQ QuickMap app o bisitahin ang QuickMap.dot.ca.gov
para malaman ang pinakabagong
impormasyon sa kalsada tungkol sa
trapiko, pagsasara, pagkontrol sa kadena (chain control), at higit pa.
Gumamit ng mga opisyal na channel ng mga pang-emergency na serbisyo ng TV, radyo, at county para makuha ang impormasyong kailangan mo para maging ligtas.
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Huwag kailanman magmamaneho sa
mga binahang lugar! Ang kahit 12 pulgada ng tubig ay magpapalutang sa maraming sasakyan.
Kung kailangan mong magmaneho, i-
download ang @CaltransHQ QuickMap app o bisitahin ang QuickMap.dot.ca.gov
para malaman ang pinakabagong
impormasyon sa kalsada tungkol sa
trapiko, pagsasara, pagkontrol sa kadena (chain control), at higit pa.
Mas mahusay kang makakapagdesisyon tungkol sa kung paano mananatiling ligtas sa panahon ng matitinding bagyo at pagbaha kung mananatili kang may alam.
Gumamit ng mga opisyal na channel ng mga pang-emergency na serbisyo ng TV, radyo, at county para makuha ang impormasyong kailangan mo para maging ligtas.
Bisitahin ang listoscalifornia.org para sa mga tip sa kaligtasan at i-follow ang @Cal_OES para sa mahahalagang update.