Whether you’ve survived cancer, are currently going through treatment, or have a loved one who’s faced cancer, the reality is it touches us all. Join us in sharing our message by selecting a post below to share on your social media accounts and help us on our mission.
Stand Up To Cancer works relentlessly to offer the newest, most effective, and most promising cancer treatments to patients quickly by bringing together the best minds to collaborate, innovate, and share cancer research.
This toolkit empowers you to make a difference by sharing the assets and messaging provided below. In only a couple of clicks, you can post to your personal social media profile and help grow the SU2C community.
Non-smokers & former smokers are still at risk of contracting #LungCancer. If you have a family history of lung cancer or are a current or former smoker, get screened every year, starting at age 55.
Learn more about lung cancer at bit.ly/3bxpIXo! #StandUpToCancer
Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, which is what makes @SU2C's mission so powerful.
I donate so #StandUpToCancer can find effective treatments for cancer patients today. Join me and donate at bit.ly/3pLOY16 to fund life-changing scientific breakthroughs.
Stand Up for the men in your life! Learn what types of cancer most often affect males. Then, tag 3 of your favorite men to pass along this important information. #StandUpToCancer
There are a wide variety of cancers that affect the population, but some types of cancers get less attention. Stand Up to stigma and #StandUpToCancer by sharing this post to help raise awareness about gynecologic cancers.
While smoking increases the risk of contracting #LungCancer, non-smokers and former smokers are still at risk. If you have a family history of lung cancer or are a current or former smoker, make sure you get screened every year, starting at age 55. Learn more about @su2c’s efforts to combat lung cancer at bit.ly/3aJOKDt. #StandUpToCancer
Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, which is what makes @su2c’s mission so powerful. I donate so #StandUpToCancer can find effective treatments for cancer patients today. You can make a difference too, by visiting bit.ly/3dH7yoP where your donation will fund life-changing scientific breakthroughs.
Stand Up for the men in your life! Learn what types of cancer most often affect males. Then, tag 3 of your favorite men to pass along this important information. #StandUpToCancer
There are a wide variety of cancers that affect the population, but some types of cancers get less attention. Stand Up to stigma and #StandUpToCancer by sharing this post to help raise awareness about gynecologic cancers.
While smoking increases the risk of contracting #LungCancer, non-smokers and former smokers are still at risk. If you have a family history of lung cancer or are a current or former smoker, make sure you get screened every year, starting at age 55. Learn more about #StandUpToCancer efforts to combat lung cancer at bit.ly/3rnFWZK.
Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, which is what makes #StandUpToCancer's mission so powerful. I donate so SU2C can find effective treatments for cancer patients today. You can make a difference too, by visiting bit.ly/3sPcAUN where your donation will fund life-changing scientific breakthroughs.
Stand Up for the men in your life! Learn what types of cancer most often affect males. Then, tag 3 of your favorite men to pass along this important information. #StandUpToCancer
There are a wide variety of cancers that affect the population, but some types of cancers get less attention. Stand Up to stigma and #StandUpToCancer by sharing this post to help raise awareness about gynecologic cancers.
Together, we can make this goal a reality. Join me in donating to @SU2C, so #StandUpToCancer can fast-track their mission of making every cancer patient into a long-term survivor! Donate at bit.ly/3pLOY16.
Every moment counts. Take action now by supporting @SU2C, where 100% of donations received will fund research for life-saving clinical trials.
Step up for your loved ones today! Donate at bit.ly/3pLOY16. #StandUpToCancer
However hard cancer comes at us, we will fight back that much harder. Join me on this vital mission by donating to @SU2C at bit.ly/3pLOY16.
Together, we can make this goal a reality. Join me in donating to @su2c, so #StandUpToCancer can fast-track their mission of making every cancer patient into a long-term survivor! Donate at bit.ly/3dH7yoP.
Every moment counts. Take action now by supporting @su2c, where 100% of donations received will fund research for life-saving clinical trials. Step up for your loved ones today! Donate at bit.ly/3dH7yoP. #StandUpToCancer
However hard cancer comes at us, we will fight back that much harder. Join me on this vital mission by donating to @su2c at bit.ly/3dH7yoP. #StandUpToCancer
Together, we can make this goal a reality. Join me in donating to #StandUpToCancer, so SU2C can fast-track their mission of making every cancer patient into a long-term survivor! Donate at bit.ly/3sPcAUN.
Every moment counts. Take action now by supporting #StandUpToCancer, where 100% of donations received will fund research for life-saving clinical trials. Step up for your loved ones today! Donate at bit.ly/3sPcAUN.
However hard cancer comes at us, we will fight back that much harder. Join me on this vital mission by donating to #StandUpToCancer at bit.ly/3sPcAUN.
Cancer does not define us, but how we work to stop it can. I support @SU2C because they fight for a world where every cancer patient becomes a long-term survivor. Visit bit.ly/3pLOY16 to help make this possible! #StandUpToCancer
There are so many reasons to #StandUpToCancer. Let us know who or what inspires you and check out bit.ly/3qMjfOT to learn more about @SU2C!
Cancer does not define us, but how we work to stop it can. I support @su2c because they fight for a world where every cancer patient becomes a long-term survivor. Visit bit.ly/3dH7yoP to help make this possible! #StandUpToCancer
There are so many reasons to #StandUpToCancer. Let us know who or what inspires you and check out bit.ly/3qOI6l1 to learn more about @su2c!
Cancer does not define us, but how we work to stop it can. I support #StandUpToCancer because they fight for a world where every cancer patient becomes a long-term survivor. Visit bit.ly/3sPcAUN to help make this possible!
There are so many reasons to #StandUpToCancer. Let us know who or what inspires you and check out bit.ly/3qbjHFg to learn more about SU2C!
Drop a ✓ if you can mark off every item on this checklist and tag some friends to do the same, so we can #StandUpToCancer together! @SU2C
@SU2C strives to make every cancer patient a long-term survivor. Learn how at bit.ly/3qMjfOT. #StandUpToCancer
Drop a ✓ if you can mark off every item on this checklist and tag some friends to do the same, so we can #StandUpToCancer together! @su2c
@su2c strives to make every cancer patient a long-term survivor. Learn how at bit.ly/3qOI6l1. #StandUpToCancer
Drop a ✓ if you can mark off every item on this checklist and tag some friends to do the same, so we can #StandUpToCancer together!
#StandUpToCancer strives to make every cancer patient a long-term survivor. Learn how at bit.ly/3sPcAUN.