Stand Up To Cancer Telecast & #Reasons2StandUp Campaign
American Airlines is a proud donor of Stand Up To Cancer, and we're excited to join them in celebrating their fifth biennial telecast live on September 9th, 8|7c. Support SU2C by tuning in and sharing why you stand up to cancer using #Reasons2StandUp. Your reason may be an individual facing cancer — a parent, spouse, or loved one, or it might be your excitement about the faster and more collaborative research that SU2C is enabling.
I'm proud to join American Airlines in supporting Stand Up To Cancer for their fifth telecast on September 9th alongside scientists, survivors, actors and musicians as we celebrate innovation cancer research that saves lives.
Share your #Reasons2StandUp and join Stand Up To Cancer with the support of American Airlines in accelerating innovative cancer research and therapies to save lives now.
I'm proud to join @AmericanAir in supporting @SU2C for their fifth telecast on September 9th alongside scientists, survivors, actors and musicians as we celebrate innovation cancer research that saves lives. #SU2C #AmericanAirlines
Share your #Reasons2StandUp and join @SU2C with the support of @AmericanAir in accelerating innovative cancer research and therapies to save lives now. #SU2C #AmericanAirlines