Under the Influence...Of You.

About the campaign:

One in five Washington 10th graders reported using marijuana and other cannabis products in the past 30 days. Cannabis use can change the way a teen’s mind and body perform, which affects memory, learning, mood, motivation, coordination, and judgment. The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) created Under the Influence...of You, a statewide campaign to encourage parents, caregivers, and influential adults to connect with the teens in their lives and have conversations about the risks and consequences of using marijuana.

Assets available in this toolkit include:

There are materials currently available in 38 languages under separate tabs. All assets are available for use. 

For more information or to request the password for this toolkit, please contact, Adriana Avelar (DOH) Adriana.Avelar@DOH.WA.GOV.

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